Countdown to anthology deadline…

May 17, 2013

Australian poets! If you have been sitting on your elegant bottoms thinking ‘I may submit this excellent poem to an anthology of speculative poetry written by Australians some day,’ well that day is today.

Submissions for The Stars Like Sand close on June 4th, so read the full submission guidelines:

Poetry wanted for new anthology: guidelines

And submit yourself to my tender mercies, and those of my co-editor, Tim Jones.


The poetry semi is about to leave…

We have already received a large number of submissions from Australia and from Australians living in other places. Add yourself to this roll of honour today! And next year you may be reading your work in an Interactive Publications tome.

2 Responses to “Countdown to anthology deadline…”

  1. seantheblogonaut said

    Thanks for this, less time than I thought.

Thoughts? Carrots? Sticks? Comments? Go ahead!